Bubble Blog

How to Create a Blog on Bubble

Ana Ana
9 minute read

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We created this tutorial on how to create a blog on Bubble because we wanted to show you the easiest way to do it. The whole process of building a blog on Bubble comes down to creating a page in your Bubble app and adding a couple of lines of code to it – it really is as simple as that!

As you probably already know, Bubble is a flexible, no-code drag-and-drop visual editor that allows you to create powerful apps. Some of the platform’s tools at your disposal include a visual designer, databases, and workflows – all of which make creating an app a breeze.

The question is: does Bubble have a native blogging functionality? Unfortunately, the platform doesn’t offer this functionality at this time.

Table of Contents

Can You Create a Blog with Bubble?

Technically, yes. You can piece together a pseudo blog with Bubble’s editor by adding multiple pages to your web app, creating a list of all your posts on one page, and adding the actual post content to additional pages. That’s just the beginning, though. Setting up and maintaining a blog using Bubble’s built-in functionality is a lengthy process, to say the least.

Even though this no-code web app development platform gives you all the elements you need to create great blog posts, the whole process can be overwhelming.

So, if you decide to go down this road, you’ll spend a lot of time adding a blog to your app. And even after you create a blog using Bubble, you’ll need to do some additional research to discover the best way to manage your blog from the SEO side of things.

On the other hand, you can use a specialized blogging tool like DropInBlog to create a real blog on Bubble in no time, and we’ll show you how in just a minute.


To add a full-featured blog to your Bubble app, you’ll need to have an account on Bubble and subscribe to their Starter plan or higher to have the option of getting your app live. To create a blog, all you need to do is create a DropInBlog account and test the SEO-friendly blogging app using its free trial.

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How to Add a Blog to Bubble Using DropInBlog

Step 1: Open Your Bubble App

Log in to your Bubble account and locate your app by selecting Apps from the left-hand side of your dashboard.

Bubble blog install step

Click on the hamburger menu of the app to which you want to add a blog and select Launch Editor to open the Bubble editor.

Bubble blog install step

Step 2: Add a New Page

Once in the editor, click on the dropdown in the top-left part of the page, then select Add a new page.

Bubble blog install step

In the popup that opens, type in “Blog,” and if you want to clone an existing page, select it from the dropdown under Clone from.

For this tutorial, we created a page template containing only a header and a footer, and by selecting it, all elements on that page will be added to our new blog page.

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You can also create a blank page and just add a header and footer to it.

Then click on the Create button to add a page.

Bubble blog install step

After you create a page, click on it to open its settings.

Then, from the Layout tab, click on the dropdown next to Container Layout and select Column.

Bubble blog install step

Alternatively, you can select the Responsive tab in the top-left corner of the page editor and then click on Make Responsive.

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If the layout of the newly added page is set to Fixed, the page settings window will open, prompting you to change it to a different layout.

Bubble blog install step

Select Column, and close the settings window.

Step 3: Add the HTML Element

Before heading to your DropInBlog account, look for the HTML element under the Visual Elements section on the left-hand side of the editor.'

Bubble blog install step

Click on it and drag it onto your blog page between the page header and footer.

Bubble blog install step

Once you add the HTML element, open the settings window by clicking on the HTML element, and from the Layout tab, adjust its width, height, and alignment.

Set Horizontal alignment to Centered, and uncheck the box next to “Make this element fixed-width.” Then, set the maximum width to 100% and the minimum height to 500 pixels.

Bubble blog install step

Step 4: Add Your DropInBlog Code

Click on the HTML box you just added to open the settings window.

The first box under the Appearance tab is where you’ll paste the two lines of code from your DropInBlog account.

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Next, log in to your DropInBlog account and click on the Code & Layout page to access your code.

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Under the Blog Code section, you’ll find your two lines of code.

Bubble blog install step

Copy the code under Step 1, then head back to your Bubble app and paste it into the HTML element you previously added. Return to your DropInBlog account, copy the code under Step 2, and paste it into your HTML element.

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Step 5: Publish Your Blog Page

The next step is to publish the page you created.

To do that, click on Main in the top-right part of the page, and in the slide-out window that appears, click on the Deploy to Live button.

Bubble blog install step

After that, you’ll see a popup window where you should write down the changes you made in case you want to revert your app to the previous state.

In this case, we added a blog page, which is what we’ll put as the description.

Click on the Confirm button to proceed.

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You’ll see a message that the deployment was successful, along with the link to your live site.

Click on Go to Live Site to view your site.

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After you publish your blog page, open it in a new tab and copy its link address.

Bubble blog install step

If the link takes you to your homepage, just add “/blog” at the end of the link and copy the URL with the appended part.

Then, go to your DropInBlog account and open the Settings page from the top navigation menu. Paste the link you previously copied into the text field under Blog URL and save the changes.

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You have now successfully published your blog on Bubble!

Once you’re ready to launch your blog on your website, you need to add a link to the blog page you created to your site’s navigation menu.

For this tutorial, we created a reusable header, and we’ll show you how to add a link to it.

To edit a reusable header, right-click on it, then select Edit reusable element.

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Next, click on one of the header buttons to copy it and paste it using the keyboard shortcuts CTRL+C/CTRL+V (on Windows) or Command+C/Command+V (on Mac).

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Click on the item you pasted, and in the settings window, under the Appearance tab, type in “Blog” under Show an icon instead of text. Make sure the link destination is set to an internal page, and select Blog from the dropdown next to Destination page.

Bubble blog install step

After that, select Main in the upper-right corner of the page, then Deploy to Live, and write down the changes you made to make these changes live.

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When you open your site in a new tab, the new menu item should appear in your header navigation.

Bubble blog install step

Now your visitors can easily find your new blog.

Managing Your DropInBlog Posts

Once you have everything set up, you can start working on your blog content. To do that, you’ll need to go to your DropInBlog account.

Log in to your account, click on the Posts tab to access your blog posts, then select Add Post to create a new post and launch the DropInBlog editor.

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You can use the editor to format your content using headings, table of contents, and FAQs, among other platform features.

DropInBlog also allows you to add images, videos, and call-to-action buttons, as well as create reusable blocks of content called Smart Snippets™, so you’ll have plenty of options to tailor your content to your liking. Additionally, the blogging platform has a built-in SEO analysis tool designed to increase your content’s visibility in search engines. Using this tool, you can focus on creating content without worrying about how you’ll optimize it for search engines like Google.

When you publish a new post in your DropInBlog account, it will automatically show up in your Bubble app. You don’t need to do anything in Bubble to sync the content between these two apps. Like we said at the beginning, adding a blog to your Bubble app really is that simple!


How do I set up a blog on Bubble?

To set up a blog on Bubble without going through a complex set-up process, you will need to use a native blogging app like DropInBlog. To add a blog with DropInBlog, all you have to do is add an HTML element to a page on Bubble and paste your DropInBlog code there.

Alternatively, you can use Bubble to create a blog, as well. To do that, you’ll need to create multiple pages in your Bubble app, one of which will contain the list of all your blog posts and the others for the blog content itself. This option is doable, but it’s far more complex than just adding two lines of code to an HTML element.

What is Bubble used for?

Bubble is a no-code app development platform used for creating web apps. The platform offers some powerful features that allow you to build an app without writing code.

Can I use Bubble for free?

Yes, you can use Bubble for free to explore the platform’s capabilities. However, if you want to publish your web app, you’ll need to subscribe to one of Bubble’s paid plans.

Over and Out

As you can see, creating a blog on Bubble doesn’t have to be complicated if you use a dedicated blogging app.

We hope that this tutorial will help you embed your blog into your Bubble app.

However, if you need help setting up your blog or you have any questions about DropInBlog, don’t hesitate to drop us a line.

Happy blogging!

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