The Benefits of Blogging

The Benefits of Blogging

Laura Laura
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Blogging is a relatively new concept, seemingly popping up overnight in tandem with the creation of the internet. There are plenty of benefits of blogging, including to increase your authority, increase your SEO and to inform viewers. Once you have a firm grasp on all of the ways blogging can make a difference to your business, start using DropInBlog to get all of that content live and start seeing the results you’re targeting.

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What are the benefits of blogging for business?


If you or someone you know with has an online business, chances are blogging has come up. Blogs can do many things for a business, including driving traffic toward the site, increasing awareness of a product or service and, much to the business owner’s delight, increasing sales. The benefits of blogging for business owners are nearly immeasurable.

If the site is not-for-profit, blogs should not be ignored. You can use blogs to demonstrate your expertise on a subject, making yourself stand out amongst thousands of other sites that claim the same thing you do.

No matter what your reasons, the benefits of blogging can help your business or online presence be noticed.

Here are the above benefits of blogging in detail!

  • In order to increase profits: One way to increase profits is to drive traffic to your website. You can do this a number of ways, but one of the most successful and affordable ways is using blogs. Blog traffic, people that are driven to a sales page from a blog, are an easy and affordable way to get eyes on your site and get products in shopping carts.
  • In order to stand out: One of the best ways to succeed in business is by standing out from your competitors and being number one in your field. Having numerous blogs that demonstrate your knowledge and show your passion for your product or service is one way to stand out amongst competitors.
  • In order to gain authority and trust: To be a leader in your field, it is important that you demonstrate knowledge of what you are talking about. Having blogs that exemplify your authority and show your true understanding will help show others “they know what they are talking about” and instill a sense of trust in you.
  • In order to be informative: This can mean a number of things. Travel and lifestyle blogs are a great example of informative blogging, as there is no purpose or profit rather than to inform the reader of your insight. You can also use blogs to advertise, organically and affordably, such as to let a reader know when a new product has been released or a change to your policies has occurred.
  • In order to improve SEO: While closely tied with increasing profits, generally, improving your SEO can be done quite easily by adding blog content with the appropriate keywords to your site. Once this is done, your website will appear higher on a Google search than if you had not added the blogs.
  • In order to display media: Blogs also benefit the user by acting as a good place to post media, such as photo, video and any other digital media you wish to show readers.

These are certainly not the only benefits to having blog content on your site. Explore more options and discover for yourself how blogging can benefit your own website by trying DropInBlog for FREE.

What is DropInBlog?


DropInBlog is the simple platform that makes it easy to quickly upload blogs onto your site by using a remotely hosted and cloud-based platform.

Simply use the DropInBlog code and configure your own content into the code. Copy and paste that code into your existing webpage, and your content will be live in three minutes or less. It’s that easy!

Part of the hesitation most people have with trying to add blog content to their site is:

  • They don’t want to mess up the formatting of their existing site
  • They don’t know how
  • They don’t want to pay excessive amounts of money to get that content live
  • They don’t have time
  • They’ve tried and failed

With a system as easy as DropInBlog, there’s no reason not to give it a shot.

The easy-to-configure HTML formatting makes uploading easy, while having no software to install or updates to download makes it foolproof.

Since it is fast, there is no time wasted, and the content appears live almost instantly. From your first post to your last, it is effortless every single time.

Signing up and starting is easy so you can enjoy the benefits of blogging


Add your personal information into DropInBlog and set up a password for yourself. Because DropInBlog offers a FREE trial of the service, you don’t have to pay for something you don’t thoroughly enjoy using.

Once your free trial is up, you have the option to purchase the whole package with several package options available to you.


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