Pinning a Blog Post – Why It's Important and How to Do It

Pinning a Blog Post – Why It's Important and How to Do It

Jesse Schoberg Jesse Schoberg
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Every day we are bombarded with an unending torrent of content from social media sites. Even your blog is a constant stream of new posts. You may feel like your best blog posts are washed away by newer posts. Pinning a post helps your users navigate that stream on your blog and website.

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Why Should I Pin Posts?

DropInBlog allows you to pin any of your posts by ticking a single box. Take a look:

Pinning a post: select the box

That's all there is to it!

Pinning a post allows you to move a post to the top of your blog feed and keep it there – its position won’t be affected by new posts. It becomes the stone in that blog post river. 

Now that I've tortured this poor metaphor enough. Let's talk about why pinning posts is an essential practice for your blog.

Pin to Win!

A visitor to your site will probably enter by way of one of your many blog posts. They then click around your site and see what else you have and are bombarded with information. A pinned post can serve as a great entry point into your site.

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You can pin the post with the highest conversion rate at the top or just a general post introducing the site to your user. The pinned post functions the same way a sign on a storefront would. It should be something inviting or exciting to entice your reader further into your site.

Pinning a post

Pin Your Best!

Your pinned posts should probably be one of the following:

  • Your best performer
  • Your most interesting content
  • A “Welcome Sign” that highlights your business and website
  • A post with a strong call to action
  • A contest or giveaway, something to excite readers

More Reasons to Pin

Pinning a post can serve other functions as well. Maybe you have a post that just slipped through the cracks for some reason, but you know it could be a great performer if only people saw it. Maybe you have a really interesting video in your post that you want visitors to see.

How you use this powerful feature is up to you!


Does DropInBlog allow me to pin posts?

Yes, it does. When you’re creating a blog post, you’ll notice the post status options to the right of the screen. At the very bottom, there’s a checkbox to select: “Pin this Post.” All you have to do is check the box.

What are some of the benefits of pinning a blog post?

There are many benefits to pinning blog posts. It does help to keep your page organized, but most importantly, the blog posts at the top of the page are the first thing your site visitor sees. 

By highlighting your best-performing posts or those with a strong call to action, you will engage the visitor more. They’ll spend more time on your site, click through more pages, and bring you the quality traffic you’re looking for.

How many posts can I pin at a time?

You can pin as many posts as you want. However, if you have your page settings set to display four posts, then you’ll only see the first four posts you’ve pinned. The next pinned posts will be visible on the following page.


Pinning posts can be really valuable if you have a lot of content on your site. By selectively pinning the most interesting or informative posts, you’re drawing the visitor in further and encouraging them to stay on your site longer. 

It’s a very easy thing to do with DropInBlog, but if you have any questions feel free to drop us a line. Happy Blogging!

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