9 Best E-Commerce Blogs to Follow

Lauren Lauren
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Whether you’re getting your side hustle off the ground or you have an established e-commerce store, we have nine e-commerce blogs that will surely hit the mark. 

Some cover every aspect of starting, running, and promoting your e-commerce business, while others focus on specific elements. Either way, you’re sure to find the guidance you’re looking for or the inspiration to get going in one of these top e-commerce blogs.

Shopify Blog

e-commerce blogs: Shopify blog

Shopify is a leading name in the world of e-commerce platforms, so naturally, their blog is also worth following. They cover a lot of practical aspects of developing an e-commerce store to improve different facets of your store to bring in higher revenue. 

Obviously, it’s all tailored towards using the Shopify platform and making that work for you. However, many of the general marketing topics can be applied to any e-commerce business regardless of the platform you’re using. 

Some of their best-published content includes a recent post titled “How to make money on Instagram in 2023.” It has broad relevance and provides actionable steps that any online business owner can take. There are also really interesting case studies, like how the store Stellar Eats was able to increase conversion rates by 3.5% by changing its checkout style. 

BigCommerce Blog

BigCommerce blog

BigCommerce is another major player in the e-commerce world, and they also have a blog to share their wisdom. The blog layout is really neat, and personally, I think it’s more aesthetically pleasing than the Shopify Blog. They have a bold block showing a carousel of topics that you can’t miss, and then they list all posts by date. 

BigCommerce also promotes its own product, with content explaining how to elevate conversion rates with the BigCommerce checkout. They have other articles on the topic of business growth strategies, business leadership, or industry news and trends. You can subscribe to the BigCommerce Blog and get the latest content delivered straight to your inbox.

Wix Blog

Wix blog

The Wix Blog is as beautiful and sleek as their website designs. Although Wix isn’t really synonymous with e-commerce, they still have a pretty helpful blog covering web design basics. Mostly, this blog is great for inspiration when building your e-commerce store or landing pages. 

Some of the most interesting blog posts include “Top 20 online business ideas to start in 2023” and “The 8 best blogging platforms in 2023.” In fact, we’d add DropInBlog to that list. 

DropInBlog integrates with a wide range of platforms, and it allows you to effortlessly develop and publish your blog posts. It gives you all the professional features you need to produce SEO-optimized content, and you can be sure of that with the in-built SEO Analyzer tool

A Better Lemonade Stand

A Better Lemonade Stand

A Better Lemonade Stand is a little different from the rest. Instead of publishing all their articles on their site, you must subscribe for a curated weekly newsletter. They provide a lot of articles to help passionate business people get started with tips on developing a business name and a memorable logo. You’ll also find advice on product and niche selection, marketing, and business operations matters like shipping and fulfillment. 

This blog is definitely the go-to place for any e-commerce start-up. As it’s aimed at start-ups, all their posts are really practical and much more than just interesting reads.

Practical E-Commerce

Practical ecommerce

Practical E-Commerce is exactly what it says it is. A blog providing practical guidance on all things e-commerce – from marketing trends to new products or case studies from growing businesses. There are even conversational podcasts with experts. 

You can search for blogs by popular categories like social media, on-page SEO, customer retention, finance, platforms and apps, and inventory. 

They publish a weekly brief, or industry overview, every Monday to share information about new products or noteworthy changes in the e-commerce industry. 

Ahrefs Blog

Ahrefs blog

The Ahrefs Blog has a primary focus on marketing and SEO topics, which is in line with the Ahrefs website. The blog page starts with a collection of the most recent blog posts, followed by links to marketing tutorials on their YouTube channel AhrefsTV, and then posts broken down by topic – SEO, marketing, and case studies. 

As expected, they use this blog to update their customers about developments with their products. But there are also plenty of studies and reviews, like this study of over one million domains to find the most common SEO problems. If your current interest is marketing and SEO, then the Ahrefs Blog is a great resource.

Neil Patel’s Marketing Blog

Neil Patels marketing blog

When it comes to digital marketing, Neil Patel is a bit of a sensation. Not only is he a best-selling author, but he’s also ranked by Forbes as a top 10 marketer. So, any marketing advice provided by Neil Patel is worth taking.

I personally don’t like the layout of the blog, but you can filter by topic (where it asks you what you want to learn about) at the top of the page and narrow down the results. He covers topics from general SEO to email marketing, paid ads, and social media. He also mixes it up with video content, so it’s not all reading.

Shogun E-Commerce Blog

Shogun ecommerce blog

The Shogun E-Commerce Blog is more directed towards tips for scaling and growing your store. They have plenty of blogs showing great examples of landing pages or online store designs, but the blog is still aimed at those with an established e-commerce store. 

Because Shogun has its own page builder app available on the Shopify store, you’ll find many articles related to the Shopify platforms. However, there are plenty of articles on broader topics, too. For example, 10 tips to write your best product descriptions is rather useful, even though it’s general.

HubSpot Marketing Blog

Hubspot marketing blog

HubSpot is pretty diverse as a platform, and its blog is no exception. They actually have several blogs – there’s a sales blog, a blog for website building, and one to cover all things customer service. The one we really like is the Marketing Blog

One of their featured articles, 5 Steps to Create an Outstanding Marketing Plan, is a brilliant starting point, and they have many other excellent evergreen topics like this. The blog homepage is well organized, with sections by topic, and also has a video library from their YouTube channel and HubSpot podcasts. Any mode of absorbing content is available to you, and you can subscribe for the latest. 


Most people would instantly think of Shopify, but actually, Amazon is technically an e-commerce platform – and it’s far bigger. Of course, the two vary significantly in terms of how you sell your products, but Amazon is number one by profits.

A blog has many benefits, but the main one is that it can generate more organic traffic to your site. More organic traffic means a greater likelihood of sales, so yes, you absolutely should add a blog to your e-commerce store.

Final Thoughts

Among these nine best e-commerce blogs, there’s plenty to take away to help you get the most out of Shopify or BigCommerce. There are also collections showing examples of superb landing pages designed with Wix. You can even find podcasts with marketing experts explaining the ins and outs of marketing for success. Is there an absolute killer e-commerce blog you think we’ve missed?

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